We as tourists traveling to Cancun, Tulum, and other destinations on the Yucatan can avoid the scams associated with these destinations.
We have heard of the taxi mafia rides from the airport to hotels, Tulum and other location with extremely high costs. Keep the cash in your pocket. Use you credit card or debt card. If the driver says cash only or the battery is bad on the hub move on to the next taxi, better yet use a ride share like uber etc.
If your at the airport you can get and pay for a taxi inside the airport from a reputable company, I have always done this without being ripped off. When going from one location to another always agree on a price before you leave and only pay when you arrive.
If you rent a car always reserve ahead of time. When driving be sure to familiarize yourself with the laws before you leave. If your driving from one city to the other on a day trip, take very few personal belongings. This has happened to me on a few occasions. You might come up on a check point somewhere along the way. These are usually local police.
Always keep a little “road tax” money as I call it available in the cup holder of the car never in your pocket. I usually have a hundred pesos in small bills. They usually don’t ask for it, but they will usually ask you all kinds of questions. I will just give them a little cash and you’ll be on the way. I just call it ” the cost of doing business “.
The gas scam can easily be avoided. After you get your gas and before you pay always look at the price on the pump don’t let the attendant tell you the price. Then count the appropriate amount and pay. The times I get gas the attendant usually cleans the windshield and if they have to put air in the tires I will tip them 20-50 pesos depending on what they do.
Please remember one thing be respectful and polite, this goes a long way to having a good experience. Always ask for a receipt before you leave.
The attractions you visit also attract the biggest scam artist. Just remember if it sounds to good to be true, it usually is. When doing tours always book your tour in advance through a reputable tour agency you might spend a little more but it might save you more in the long run.
If you don’t speak Spanish always request a guide that speaks your language be it English or whatever language you speak. Don’t buy into all the hustlers that you encounter. They see you as an easy target to get as much money as they can.
If you are a first time traveler or a veteran remember, you are a guest in their country so please show respect and courtesy. It will make your trip so much better.
The Yucatan is such a marvelous place to visit, with so many diverse eco systems. The history goes back over a thousand years. Cancun, Playa del Carmen, and Tulum and the surrounding areas have some of the most beautiful beaches in the world and it will be a trip of a lifetime, just remember, be smart.
You hear about all these people getting ripped off by very high charges. Just remember you are letting them do this by not being aware. Be street smart.