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State remains yellow with warning of increases as Cancun begins elderly vaccination program

Cancun, Q.R. — As the state remains in another week of yellow epidemiological light, Governor Carlos Joaquin says the city of Cancun will begin its elderly vaccination program. The city, with the largest elderly population in the state, has been left to last. However, Joaquin says on March 29, Cancun will begin the vaccination program for those 60 and over.

He says over the course of the next few days, approximately 13,000 doses of vaccines will arrive, 6,000 of which, are earmarked for Cancun, 5,850 for Chetumal and 1,170 for the second dose for state medical personnel. In Cancun, the vaccines will be distributed at the General Hospital, the Jacinto Canek sports center, the Toro Valenzuela sports unit and at Colegio San José.

Carlos Joaquin has also warned of an increase in the contagion curve, noting that while two municipalities have reached a green state, others have registered increases. He detailed that the municipalities of Puerto Morelos and Bacalar are “green”, with zero cases of covid, however, the other municipalities have registered increases, some as much as 200 percent.

“This reflects that there has been a relaxation in preventive measures and hygiene habits. It is time to strengthen actions otherwise we will move further away from the green state epidemiological light,” Joaquín stressed.