Riviera Maya, Q.R. — More than a dozen forest fires continue to burn around the state of Quintana Roo. The largest of them has grown to over 2,600 hectares in the northeast municipality of Lázaro Cárdenas.
In a CGC statement, the government of Quintana Roo says that crews continue to work tirelessly to battle the ongoing fires.
Work continues tirelessly through inter-institutional cooperation between the federation, state and municipality. Agencies including the National Forestry Commission, the National Commission for Protected Areas, National Defense Secretariat, Ecology and Environment Secretariat, State Coordination of Civil Protection and the Lázaro Cárdenas City Council, are working to extinguish the San José forest fire.
The State Government says the Incident Command System and the State Incident Management Team are reporting the 2,600 hectare fire 75 controlled and 60 percent extinguished.
“Forest fires not only affect the biodiversity of our state, but also puts the lives of people and the economy of nearby communities at risk, which is why it is essential to promote environmental education to prevent future accidents,” they said.
According to the State Fire Management Center, there has been around 20 forest fires around the state. Some affected areas include the northeast of Xpu-Há, north of the community of San Juan de Dios in Tulum, another between the Miguel Alemán and Río Verde communities in the municipality of Bacalar, which was finally put out last week.
The most pressing fire, however, continues to be the San José forest fire located northwest of Francisco May in the municipality of Lázaro Cárdenas which is being fought by 96 elements led by Conafor.