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More rail equipment arrives for Maya Train construction

Coatzacoalcos , Veracruz — Railway equipment for the construction of the Maya Train arrived at the Port of Coatzacoalcos in Veracruz aboard the ship Univisión. Ground crews with trucks arrived to unload the equipment that included eight locomotives, 28 gondolas, crane equipment, generators and accessories.

The arriving equipment will be used to begin construction of section 1 from of Palenque, Tabasco to Escárcega, Campeche.

The most recent shipment of equipment arrived at the port of Coatzacoalcos on Saturday from Mombasa, Kenya. Fonatur has since issued a statement in which it reported that thanks to the collaboration of different institutions, companies and communities, section 2 is being built in the state of Campeche.

“In recent months, we have made great strides in the communities of Hampolol, Kobén, Adolfo Ruiz Cortines and Arellano.”

Last month, rails for the train project also began arriving. The 1,500-kilometer Maya Train is one of the flagship projects of the Andrés Manuel López Obrador government in which more than 200 billion peso is being invested.