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Heavy fog blamed for Felipe Carrillo Puerto highway crash

Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Q.R. — The driver of an old model Tsuru was lucky to walk away after slamming into the back of a parked trailer. Police and National Guard Highways were at the scene of the crash Monday morning near Santa Amalia.

Along the federal 307, authorities found a double long semi on the side of the highway that was hit from behind by the car. An ambulance was called and the driver evaluated by paramedics who determined he did not require a hospital transfer.

Police were called to the scene around 8:30 a.m. during a time when heavy fog had not yet fully lifted. According to the driver, he was traveling the heavily fogged highway when he suddenly came upon the semi.

The driver of the semi, who was transporting bags of cement, blew a tire and had pulled over on the side of the highway. Police did not say if the driver of the semi was properly parked with hazard lights.