Playa del Carmen, Q.R. — A young driver remains serious in Playa del Carmen hospital after slamming his car into a concrete post. The accident was reported by motorists Sunday night on Playa del Carmen Boulevard shortly after the rain started.

Emergency services found the smashed car off the road near 11 Street South. Next to it was a toppling concrete post.
Police were notified of the single vehicle accident around 9:00 p.m. Municipal officers along with Civil Protection paramedics attended to the scene of the accident where they located the young male driver still behind the wheel.
He was rushed to hospital in serious condition after being stabilized at the scene. Speed and wet roads are being considered as a cause for the accident.
In a brief note, Solidaridad Civil Protection / Firemen said “we carried out the vehicular extraction of a trapped person after colliding with a pole on Playa del Carmen Boulevard.

“Our Firefighters went to the height of Avenida 11 Sur, where they carried out rescue maneuvers to free the person trapped inside the Versa-type vehicle. Later, paramedics provided him with primary medical attention and transferred him to the hospital.”