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Tourist drowns at Los Piratas in Bacalar

Bacalar, Q.R. — A tourist in the southern town of Bacalar drowned Saturday afternoon after going for a swim in the channel.

The drowning was recorded in Los Piratas channel in Bacalar after a man, who was with his brother-in-law, went for a swim but did not resurface. The deceased has been identified as 31-year-old Jonathan Moreno Solis from the State of Mexico.

According to the brother-in-law, Eduardo Hernández Chávez, he and Solis were at the channel when Solis went for a swim. Hernández Chávez says, “he went deep without knowing the land.” Minutes later, he did not see him and started yelling for help.

People at the site began to help search, and within minutes, located Solis, however, he had already drowned. He was taken to the Ejidal Spa for first aid, but the paramedics could not do anything.

According to Navy officials, they also went to the ecological resort aboard an aquatic unit to tend to the drowning of a male in Los Piratas channel. Ministerial Police agent Ana Luisa Jiménez Lagunes arrived to take charge of the accident.