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Tanker vessel spots drifting boat in Quintana Roo waters

Isla Mujeres, Q.R. — An old boat located in Quintana Roo waters by a tanker vessel was found with 31 on board. The sighting of the boat was reported to state authorities Wednesday off the coast of Quintana Roo.

The foreign tanker spotted the boat approximately 120 nautical miles (222 kilometers) north of Isla Mujeres. After being notified of the sighting, the Navy of Mexico set sail to locate the boat.

“This action was carried out after receiving an emergency call in the Command and Control Room of the Naval Region reporting that a foreign tanker sighted a smaller vessel adrift with 31 crew members on board, approximately 120 nautical miles (222 kilometers) north of Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo,” Secretaría de Marina (Semar) explained in a statement.

“A coastal patrol and an interceptor patrol from the Ninth Naval Region were immediately ordered to set sail with naval personnel on board, who managed to rescue the aforementioned persons (nine women, 21 men and a minor), who were in good health, and were subsequently taken to a safe port,” Semar reported.

All 31 people were returned to the mainland of Quintana Roo where they were met by INM (Instituto Nacional de Migración) immigration officers.