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Sport facilities in Cancun, Chetumal first to reopen

Cancun, Q.R. — The director of the Commission for Youth and Sports of Quintana Roo Jesús Antonio López Pinzón, reported that the first 10 reopening certificates were delivered to sports facilities in both Cancun and Chetumal.

In a statement, he explained that authorization for their reopening is also granted in part by the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks, through the State Health Services.

López Pinzón reported that as of August 26, they had 320 applications from sports facilities around the state to obtain the certification. He noted that certification is free, but is mandatory for the reopening of sports facilities.

“Obtaining the certificate means that the facility is already prepared for the orderly opening, however, the color of the state epidemiological light indicates which facilities can open and the capacity for its operation,” López Pinzón pointed out.

According to him, the first 10 facilities to obtain the certificate to reopen include Centro Deportivo de Alto Rendimiento in Cancún, Polifórum Benito Juárez, Alberca Olímpica de Cancún, One Style Fitness and Ji Do Kwan Yom Chi.

In Chetumal, sports facilities able to reopen include Julet Escuela de Gimnasia Rítmica, Palacio de los Deportes, Gymtastic, the Fosa de Clavado and the Unidad Deportiva Bicentenario.