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Senate approves proposal for Mexico’s CURP to include a photograph

Mexico City, Mexico — The Senate of Mexico has approved the proposal for CURPs with photos. In a Monday vote, Mexico City Senate members voted 15 in favor of and 12 against the revision of the country’s CURP.

Mexico’s Clave Única de Registro de Población (General Population Registry) or CURP will now have an identifying photo. The General Population Law of 1974 will be revised that will also see the CURP moved under the responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior.

Specifically, Article 63 “When a person is incorporated into the National Population Registry, they will be assigned a key that will be called the Unique Population Registry Key which will contain the photograph of the face and will be called CURP with photo, the record of which will have the character of official identification document in the terms provided by this law and its regulations.

“Article 64 – The Secretariat will establish the standards, methods and procedures of the National Population Registry. Likewise, it will coordinate the identification and registration methods of the federal public administration agencies.

“Article 69 – The National Registry of Citizens and the issuance of the CURP with photos are services of public interest provided by the State through the Secretariat.”

Other Articles detail the obligation for Mexican citizens to register for a CURP and that “once the established requirements have been met, the Secretariat must issue and make available to the citizen the respective CURP with photo.

“The CURP with photo will have value as a means of personal identification before all Mexican authorities, whether in the country or abroad, and natural and legal persons domiciled in the country.

“No person may be sanctioned for not carrying the CURP with a photo. The CURP with photo will contain name and surname, Unique Population Registry Code, photograph, place of birth, date of birth, signature and fingerprints.”

It has been proposed that the CURP’s photo be refreshed every 15 years “when the physical features of a person change in such a way that they do not correspond to those of the photograph that the ID carries.”

The approved opinion was presented Tuesday before the Plenary Session of the Senate of the Republic for final voting.