Playa del Carmen, Q.R. — The unevenness of Sian Ka’an Avenue of Playa del Carmen is a private land issue. Over the past several days, the uneven avenue has captured online attention mostly in criticism.
Solidaridad Director of Public Works, Fabián Herrera, explained that the uneven road system is due to a plot of private land. He explained that the land used to construct Sian Ka’an Avenue was donated to the municipality in 2005, however, the section directly in front remains private, forcing the city to go around.
“On social networks they comment on the bad layout, but they are private lands where really, if we had wanted to continue in a straight line, we would have had to have gotten an issuance of purchasing which is very complicated and as of today, the avenue would not be finished,” he said.
Sian Ka’an Avenue runs from 75th Avenue to the junction with CTM and Luis Donaldo Colosio Avenues. Herrera admitted that the avenue also does not run straight due to poor planning. He explained that the 2010 Urban Development Plan, instead of correcting it ratified it.
“It is the layout that was given to this avenue, the private lands were pushing it and it was laid out in this way. What happens is that the transversal one, the CTM, is very narrow and makes this avenue look more dramatic.”
He says despite the change in direction, the road has offered great mobility support for the area. “Before it was either you exited to the federal highway or you exited to Chemuyil Avenue.” Despite being uneven, “Toscana, Santa Fe, Bosque Real, Mundo Hábitat, among other subdivisions, have benefited from the 30-million-peso project,” he added.