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Perla Tun Pech under investigation for millions in irregularities during her term as Cozumel mayor

Cozumel, Q.R. — – As part of the transparency and accountability of the government of Cozumel, Municipal Comptroller Julissa Carreño González reports that after a recent meeting, current councilor and former Cozumel mayor, Perla Tun Pech, is under investigation and a settlement process before the Superior State Audit (Aseqroo).

He says that Perla Tun Pech is under investigation after an audit by the Auditoría Superior del Estado (Aseqroo) during her term as mayor of Cozumel showed anomalies and irregularities in the amount of 23 million peso.

Current Cozumel mayor Pedro Joaquín Delbouis, says that the last administration must settle before the Aseqroo the application of resources in the order of 11 and 12 million peso (respectively), corresponding to fiscal years 2017 and 2018.

“City Council is not a private company that is administered at the whim of the president, but rather, it has rules to comply with for the application and verification of public resources. Now more than ever, in the face of the health and economic crisis that fate is experiencing due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it is necessary to render clear accounts to the population. Although it is a difficult task, the comptrollers have reinforced their vigilance of resources,” says Cozumel’s current mayor.

The investigation by the Auditoría Superior del Estado began shortly after Tun Pech left office last year, resulting in the state finding resource deviations for millions of peso. Perla Tun Pech was mayor of Cozumel for the period of 2016-2018. She is a current city council member.