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Only 7 kilometers left before track of Maya Train section three finished

Mayan Train Progress — Javier May says track along section 3 of the Maya Train is seven kilometers from being finished. On Monday, the General Director of the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism, Javier May, provided the update.

He reported that Section 3 track of the Mayan Train that runs from Calkiní, Campeche to Izamal, Yucatán, is 95.5 percent complete. He detailed that they are seven kilometers shy of having all 159 kilometers of track ready.

He also reported that along that section, other projects such as stations and stops that cross the 15 municipalities have advancements. A Mayan Train stop at Tixkokob is 78 percent finished. A stop at Calkiní and another at Maxcanú are both 75 percent finished.

May says along section 3, there are two Mayan Train stations. The Mayan Train Station at Merida is 71 percent finished, while the station at Izamalis 60 percent.

The route also consists of three viaducts which are 95 percent done and 150 of 153 transversal drainage works, wildlife and underpasses are finished. During his Monday morning report, May said section 3 created 11,000 jobs.