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Officer training for the National Guard begins

Chetumal, Q.R. — Training for the upcoming National Guard has begun with the first group attending classes in the state’s capital city of Chetumal.

La Fiscalía General del Estado (FGE) reports that as of April 1, training classes for members of the upcoming Guardia Nacional began that will see groups of 50 taught regulations on the prevention and investigation of crime as well as the detection and arrest of probable perpetrators.

They say that 200 officers from the Military, Naval, State Preventive, Preventive Municipal and Federal Preventive, will receive the training courses that will cover the legal framework of action, First respondent, Chain of custody, Flagrancy, Human Rights, Equity and Gender Perspective, Comprehensive Criminal Justice System for Adolescents, among others.

Taught in groups of 50, the FGE says that the instructors are specialists from the different areas and directorates of the State Attorney General’s Office and the training is done in accordance with Human Rights and with a gender perspective.