Cancun, Q. R. — When the epidemiological light allows for the reopening of state beaches, restrictions will be placed on both Isla Mujeres and Cancun beachgoers. The news regarding Cancun beaches came during an interview by Cancun mayor Mara Lezama Wednesday who said that once beaches reopen, preventative measures will be put into place.
Mara Lezama stressed that as long as the epidemiological light remains orange, the beaches of Cancun will continue to be closed, adding however, that a yellow light is anticipated for the near future. She said once that light is achieved, Cancun beaches will be reopened in a restricted manner and with preventive protocols.
Isla Mujeres mayor Juan Carrillo Soberanis has echoed her words regarding the eventual reopening of Isla Mujeres beaches. Carrillo Soberanis says that although beaches remain closed, once they do reopen, it will also be with restrictions.
Some of those restrictions, he pointed out, will include an access schedule with a maximum beach stay time of three hours. He also says that while people are on the beaches, they must respect the healthy distance which will be 2.5 meters, as well as the delimited spaces for each person.
Beachgoers must also arrive with a mask and sanitizing gel. Groups of more than five will not be allowed, nor will alcoholic beverages. Anyone visiting the beach must bring a degradable plastic bag to collect the garbage they generate.
“Taking care of health is everyone’s job, which is why it will be important to follow these sanitary provisions attached to our New Normal, so that we can have a responsible and safe economic reactivation and at the same time reduce the contagion of Covid-19,” he said.
The announcements come at the same time as the start of a 10-day pilot project for the municipality of Solidaridad. Playa del Carmen mayor Laura Beristain Navarrete will begin the beach reopening project August 20. The project will include only three of the city’s beaches. Along with the reopening come restrictions such as healthy distancing and no food or beverages on beaches.