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Governor reports ATM theft gang broken up in Cancun

Cancun, Q.R. — In a weekly report by state governor Carlos Joaquín, he says that the recent arrest of two men in Cancun has led to the discovery of equipment used to crack open stolen ATMs.

During his televised message of security progress, the governor reported that the capture of two members of a gang known for ATM heists was the result of the security checkpoints placed throughout the city.

He explained that that arrest allowed police to find the address where they were able to recover parts of other ATMs and specialized equipment used to crack them open.

This arrest was made March 24 when the driver of a Jeep tried to evade a checkpoint. After a police chase, the vehicle was stopped and the two men inside arrested. An inspection of the vehicle yielded the discovery of a recently stolen ATM. It was found emptied.

Carlos Joaquín said that due to that arrest, police broke up a gang of thugs adding that “We want more of these success stories against crime showing that in Quintana Roo, we make them pay.”