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Governor announces entire state in yellow epidemiological light

Cancun, Riviera Maya, Q.R. — The governor of Quintana Roo said that beginning September 14, the entire state will be at a yellow epidemiological light. Governor Carlos Joaquín made the announcement Thursday in a press release.

He said that the change was due to the discipline shown in the application of preventive measures, such as the use of face masks and social distancing, as well as hygiene measures. With this, he said, the southern portion of the state, which remained orange while the northern region turned to yellow, will also advance to a yellow stage.

The advancement of color in the country’s epidemiological light means lessened restrictions and an increase in business reopenings and working capacity. He explained that as of September 14, essential activities will operate with normal capacity, while some businesses will operate at an 80 percent capacity. Services such as administrative, professional and technical, consulting and advisory will be able to operate at a 75 percent maximum capacity.

Outdoor sport clubs and facilities will be permitted to operate at a maximum 70 percent capacity, while closed spaces (indoor gyms), will be permitted a 50 percent maximum capacity.

Businesses including hotels, restaurants, historical sites, theme parks, golf courses and tourist services can operate at a 60 percent capacity, as can beaches and parks, religious services, theaters and cinemas, shopping centers, department stores, manufacturing, real estate, hairdressers and beauty salons.

Schools, bars, nightclubs, discos and entertainment centers remain closed. For this reason, the governor also noted that this year’s Grito de Independencia will be virtual to avoid the gathering of large crowds.