Mexico City, Mexico — The United States Arms Control Association has nominated Marcelo Ebrard, head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), as “person of the year”.
On Wednesday, the agency explained that the lawsuit that the Minister of Foreign Affairs used to expose the manufacturers and distributors of arms in the United States adopts a novel approach to combat illicit trafficking.
“In a field that often focuses on serious threats and negative developments, our Arms Control People of the Year contest aims to highlight several positive initiatives, some big, some small, designed to promote peace, security and international justice,” said Daryl G. Kimball, CEO.
Ebrad argued that manufacturers “design, market, distribute and sell weapons in a way that they know routinely arm drug cartels in Mexico,” which contributes to a decrease in life expectancy in the country.
Ebrard, who was nominated December 8 for his work on Arms Control, thanked the agency “for the recognition granted by the lawsuit filed by our country against the arms industry that facilitates and promotes violence.”
Other nominees include James Cleverly, Minister for the Middle East and North Africa, Senators Jeff Merkley and Ed Markey, representatives, Don Beyer and John Garamendi and Avinashpall Singh and Rooj Ali, two high school students from Winnipeg, Canada.
Voting will take place between December 8, 2021 and January 12, 2022. Results will be announced on January 14, 2022.