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Deputy requests municipal updates to increase recycling and eliminate saturation in Quintana Roo landfills

Chetumal, Q.R. — Political leaders in the state have presented a request to update municipal garbage regulations that will see more recycled and less in landfills. On Thursday, Deputy Andrea González Loria presented the request.

The request focused on an update to all 11 municipal regulations of the Law for the Prevention and Comprehensive Management of Solid Waste of the State. She made the proposal due to the ongoing problems related to the state’s landfill saturation.

According to Loria, there are only four sanitary landfills in Quintana Roo to receive solid waste from the 11 municipalities, most of which are saturated.  This saturation has given way to clandestine and open-air dumps throughout the state which contaminates the water table.

The request was unanimously approved on March 23 by the State Congress with the objective that the municipalities update their respective regulatory bodies as soon as possible.

They will also be required to establish programs and public policies aimed at promoting the separation of garbage in which the general public adopt schemes for recycling and avoid all garbage being dumped into landfills in accordance with the strategies established in the State Development Plan.