Cancun, Q.R. — Vaccines against Covid are expected to arrive in the state of Quintana Roo by mid-January. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported that on January 11, planes carrying the vaccines are scheduled to land at both the Cancun and Chetumal airports.
He said the Quintana Roo Pfizer vaccines will be earmarked for health personnel who continue to work on the front line.
“We will receive 436,800 doses on January 11, and they will be distributed in 27 states of the country. In the case of Quintana Roo, they will go to Cancun and Chetumal. Everything is for the medical staff,” he said.
The vaccines that arrive in the first installment will be the first of the two doses that are needed to obtain protection. The drug for the second part will arrive on January 25.
To date, 450 volunteers from Cancun received the CanSino Biotech vaccine against COVID-19 as part of the Phase 3 clinical trial of the Chinese pharmaceutical company CanSino Biotech, whose goal is to apply 1,000 doses in the state.
Victor Bohórquez López, director of Red Osmo, a company that carries out local participation protocol, explained that the original date of December 31 to vaccinate the 1,000 volunteers was extended 30 days due to the low response.
“We are going to have more vaccines not only for Mexico, but for the whole world. CanSino only requires one application. It is kept refrigerated at a temperature of two to eight degrees and is 97 percent effective,” he stated.
To date, more than 2,000 people have died from Coronavirus-related illnesses in the state of Quintana Roo.