Isla Mujeres, Q.R. — A new 25 kilometer long highway is set for construction to connect Cancun with an area of the Isla Mujeres mainland. The new road, Tourist Boulevard, will connect the city with Costa Maya, the busy tourist area of mainland Isla Mujeres.

According to a report by Quintana Roo Governor Mara Lezama, 2.7 billion pesos of federal funding will be spent on the construction of the road. The new 25-plus kilometers will be an extension of an already existing roadway.
“We are preparing for the expansion and construction of more than 25 kilometers of highway to connect Cancun with Costa Mujeres,” Lezama confirmed Thursday.

“With the expansion of the existing sections, we will be dignifying this important road where workers in the sector, who are the very heart of our tourism leadership, travel on a daily basis,” she added.

The new road will start at López Portillo Avenue in Cancun and pass through Costa Mujeres to La Angostura. The road project, according to Lezama, will create 500 local jobs. A start date or estimated completion date for the construction of the Tourist Boulevard was not provided.