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City Council says no real estate development in Felipe Carrillo Puerto Punta al Mar project

Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Q.R. — The City Council of Felipe Carrillo Puerto says real estate development will not be permitted in the Punta al Mar beach access road project.

Felipe Carrillo Puerto Mayor, Mary Hernández Solís, says they will protect the beach access and not allow the construction of hotels or any other real estate development that connects the town with the coast.

Solis says there will be 55 kilometers of road, 33 of which belongs to the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve and 22 to Ejidos. She says the construction of the road to the coast is for the benefit of those who live in the municipality.

Solis says City Council is currently working on an Urban Development Plan (PDU) in which norms are established including rules regarding expected growth without endangering the area.

“We know where the growth of the municipality is headed, but speaking of the beach access area, not a single hotel will be built. No, it is prohibited, but that is why we are also working in our PDU, so that everything is with details,” she said.

Within the Punta al Mar project, a beach area will be built with a park, a restaurant and public bathrooms, among other facilities, which are the only things intended. There is no plan to develop hotels, she explained.