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Cell mate arrested in death of Tabasco police officer who died while in Tulum police custody

Tulum, Q.R. — A man has been arrested in the death of a Tabasco police officer who died while in Tulum police custody. In December, a man who was arrested for disturbing the peace in Tulum died while in his cell.

At the time of the incident, the on-site doctor allegedly claimed Humberto N, an active Tabasco police officer, died of bronchial aspiration.

New data from the investigation has come to light. Agents of the Investigative Police of the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) have apprehended a man accused of participating in the death of the Tabasco officer.

The new reports details that both men were in the same cell during the night of December 28, when officers noticed one of the men was dead. While the prison doctor claimed the cause of death as bronchial aspiration, the autopsy revealed the cause of death was asphyxia by strangulation.

After the autopsy, investigating police requested the names of those arrested on the night of December 28. Two witness interviews revealed that the Tabasco officer was beaten and hung inside the cell with a cloth.

Police have since arrested 40-year-old Yair N in the death of Humberto N, who was an agent of the Municipal Preventive Police in the state of Tabasco. The FGE is also investigating Tulum police personnel on duty the night of the incident.