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Cancun taxi drivers arrested for drugs, weapons reinstated

Cancun, Q.R. — Ten of the 12 taxi drivers arrested in Cancun on drugs and weapons charges will be reinstated says the union.

Erasmo Abelar Cámara, head of the Sindicato de Taxistas Andrés Quintana Roo, says that 10 of the taxi drivers arrested in the Cancun Hotel Zone in June will be able to return to work since there was a lack of evidence to find them guilty of the charges.

Abelar Cámara explained that the decision to allow them to return as Cancun taxi drivers was made after the State Attorney General’s Office failed to find enough evidence to link them to the possession of firearms, drugs, cartridges and a criminal message.

“If the authorities do not find any kind of illegal link, then it is logical that we cannot, that we do not have the basis or argument to tell them that they do not belong to the union. All were reinstated, most of them, one of them I think is being processed, but no one else,” he explained.

He added that according to law, taxi concessions can only be withdrawn when the partner, that is, the owner of the plates, is involved in criminal acts or violence.

In June, 12 Cancun taxi drivers were arrested by the Marina Armada de México and the Policía Estatal Preventiva on drugs and weapons charges in the Cancun Hotel Zone. Shortly after their arrest, the Andrés Quintana Roo Taxi Driver’s Union announced all 12 would be dismissed.