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Cancun City Transit tows more than 200 bikes in January for illegal circulation

Cancun, Q.R. — More than 200 motorcycles were removed from Cancun streets in January by city Transit. The motorcycles were towed to the municipal corral for circulating without the necessary documents.

This latest batch of 205 motorcycles is part of the more than 700 towed since the city began the safety program in mid-2024.

In January the Municipal Secretariat of Citizen Security and Transit reported carrying out a total of 962 roadside inspections of motorcycle drivers. Of those, 205 motorcycles were seized for lack of a license, plates, circulation cards and/or permits.

Pablo Gutiérrez, the Secretary General of Cancun City Council, reported that in 2024 they closed with more than 700 units towed of a total of 2,345 which were verified. He says the ongoing inspection operation is to guarantee the safety of both motorcycle drivers and the general public.

Gutiérrez pointed out that some of the motorcycles seized were found with irregularities such as superimposed plates or altered serial numbers which suggests that they could be linked to criminal activity.

Cancun Transit officers are also fining motorcycle drivers for other violations including riding on sidewalks. In January, 27 fines were handed out for that reason.