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Cancun Transit hands out tickets for driving on sidewalks

Cancun, Q.R. — Nearly two dozen motorcycle drivers in Cancun were fined Thursday in a traffic operation. Cancun Transit set up the operation at the intersection of 135th and Mallorca Avenue where they reported stopping 43 bikes.

Four of the motorcycle drivers stopped were traveling city streets without paperwork which resulted in their bikes being towed. Another 21 were fined for using pedestrian sidewalks as a roadway.

Since November 2024, Cancun Transit has sent 935 motorcycles to the impound lot for lack of license plates or documents and fined 93 for riding on sidewalks. Fiver others were ticketed for “irregularities”.

The operations are in coordination with state and municipal institutions to promote the use of protective helmets as well as secure vehicles without valid license plates or permits.

The Municipal Traffic Department of Cancun set up the Thursday morning operation in response to citizen complaints about the improper use of sidewalks by motorcyclists.