Cozumel, Q.R. — Animal protection officials on the island of Cozumel have rescued a young Peccary. The animal was reported by citizens and rescued by environmental officials from the northern end of the island Monday.
“Thanks to the permanent wildlife rescue program implemented by the Municipal Government and with the valuable collaboration of the local community and the veterinarian Amevets, a Cozumel Collared Peccary (Pecari tajacu nanus) pup has been successfully rescued, an endemic species of the island,” the Government of Cozumel reported.
According to information provided by the Ecology Sub-Directorate, the specimen was rescued in the northern part of the island thanks to the public, and is currently under the specialized care of veterinarians.
The young pup is receiving adequate food for its development. The objective is for it to acquire its natural condition so that it can be released back into its habitat.

With these actions, the Municipal Government reaffirms its ongoing commitment to the conservation of natural resources and the protection of Cozumel’s biodiversity.