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Aguakan checkbox added to June ballots for municipalities serviced by the company

Playa del Carmen, Q.R. — The Solidaridad board of the Electoral Institute of Quintana Roo (Ieqroo) has announced the June 5 ballots will also include an Aguakan checkbox.

On Friday during a press conference, the Instituto Electoral de Quintana Roo (Ieqroo) of Playa del Carmen announced that while voting for a new governor, residents will be able to also vote whether Augakan stays or goes.

The Aguakan checkbox has been added to the ballots being readied for the June 5 vote for a new state governor. Aguakan, who provides water services to several of the state’s municipalities, has undergone intense scrutiny over the years on allegations of breach of contract.

For years, heads of those municipalities have threatened to remove them, however, the private company still provides water and sewage services to four Quintana Roo municipalities.

According to the electoral authorities, on June 5, when casting votes for the governorship, voters in Isla Mujeres, Benito Juárez, Puerto Morelos and Solidaridad will also receive a ballot asking “do you agree that Aguakan continue to provide the service of drinking water, sewage and sanitation?” with a “yes” or “no” option.

Alejandra Guadalupe Medina Dzul, President of District 10, explained that the option was added after citizen requests. She said residents of the affected municipalities have been asking for a popular consultation regarding Augakan since 2019.

In February of 2022, the general council approved the request and has added it to the June 5 ballots. Officials results will be made public June 12.