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2024 Atlantic Hurricane season ends with five storms affecting Quintana Roo

Riviera Maya, Q.R. — State officials report the ending of the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season. Governor Mara Lezama, who is also President of the State Civil Protection Council, says the the 2024 rainy and tropical cyclone season has come to an end.

Authorities report five of the season’s 18 systems affected Quintana Roo.

She says the state of Quintana Roo “finished with a clean slate and with the pride and satisfaction of the culture of prevention that all Quintana Roo residents have, once again, demonstrated this year.”

During the 2024 hurricane season, the state readied temporary shelters and continued with the cleaning of storm drains to help prevent flooding. According to Lezama, state officials monitored 18 tropical systems that represented potential threats to the state.

Felled trees due to the passing of storms were cut and cleared.

The report submitted by the Secretary of Government highlights that more than 10,700 people were activated in various care brigades across the municipalities, including operational, administrative, volunteer, medical and nursing personnel.

State Civil Protection System was strengthened by adding personnel from the agencies where 261 vans, 175 cargo trucks, 249 pickup trucks, 27 buses, 1 helicopter, 12 water trucks, nine four-wheelers, six vector trucks, 132 dump trucks and one vibratory compactor were provided.

Equipment used after storms inlcuded bilge pumps, chainsaws,gasoline-powered generators and drones.

Industrial pumps were used throughout the season to drain flooded areas.

The local Director of Conagua, Erika Ramírez, reported that 18 systems were monitored and that five of those systems — Beryl, Helene, Milton, Nadine and Sara — affected the state of Quintana Roo.

This year, the state monitored 18 storms, five of which affected Quintana Roo.

Ramirez also reported that June was the month that recorded the highest rainfall. The rainy season for the Atlantic runs June 1 to November 30 each year. Ramirez says now, the state is monitoring cold fronts.