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1,800 hectare fire continues to burn at Sian Ka’an

Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Q.R. — Nearly 1,800 hectares have already been affected by a fire that started in the Sian Ka’an Nature Reserve, reported the National Commission for Protected Natural Areas (Conanp).

According to the agency, the areas affected by the incident are mainly low vegetation, medium forest and savanna. The effects of the fire were registered in the Polígono de Uaymil, Chunyaxché, Santa Teresa and Vigía Chico, which they noted, has been burning since August 26.

Conanp says that due to the required needs to deal with the large area, a helipad was built at the Santa Teresa station in order to continue with extinguishing efforts. It was during the high peak of forest fire season last year, that the same area burned with approximately 2,500 hectares being affected.