Mexico City, Mexico — The United States has postponed its aviation inspection visit to Mexico, however, a reason for the delay was not made public. On Monday, General Carlos Antonio Rodríguez Munguía, director general of the Federal Civil Aviation Agency (AFAC), was informed of the cancellation.
The Federal Aviation Administration of the United States was scheduled to arrive in Mexico for a technical review from May 23 to 27, however, that has been postponed. The purpose of the visit was for Mexico to recover its Category 1 operational safety status after losing that status during a safety audit in 2021.
Between October 2020 and February 2021, the U.S. agency audited the Mexican air system, which resulted in 28 findings and the withdrawal of the country’s Category 1 operational safety status.
The Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation reported that the purpose of the visit was to asses Mexico’s current status and regain the Category 1 status from its current Category 2.
A Category 2 status reduces Mexico’s competitiveness against U.S. airlines.