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Two arrested after attempting to flee Playa del Carmen police

Playa del Carmen, Q.R. — Two men carrying four kilograms of marijuana hidden inside cardboard file compartments were arrested Wednesday by Municipal Police officers after being stopped in the Centro neighborhood.

The arrests occurred on 12a Street when municipal motorcycle agents pulled the State of Mexico-plated car over for reckless driving. Instead of pulling over, the driver of the vehicle attempted to flee. Police pursued the vehicle until 30th Avenue, where officers were able to intercept the car.

“When approaching the vehicle, officers perceived that a characteristic smell of marijuana was emitted, so they asked the crew to descend from the unit to carry out a safety and prevention review,” said the statement released by the municipal secretary of public security.

In the trunk, a cardboard box with four filing compartments were found, each containing a one kilogram package of marijuana, for which the driver and his companion were arrested and handed over to the State Attorney General’s Office.