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Tulum mayor says they are working on a resolution with the state to deal with land dispossession

Tulum, Q.R. — Tulum Mayor Marciano Dzul Caamal says they are working on dealing with the common issue of land dispossession. On Tuesday, Caamal explained that the City of Tulum does not have any power when it comes to land conflicts.

He said that when people illegally settle on plots of land, it becomes a state government issue. Referring to the failed attempt of an eviction last week, Caamal said they are doing everything in their power to ensure state authorities meet with the illegal settlers to find a solution.

“The mayor cannot make decisions to solve these things. We can help find a way for the corresponding instances to attend to them, which in this case is the state, but Agepro is the one that should sit down and talk with them to find a solution,” he said.

Caamal acknowledged that the legal battle for the land has not been resolved. He noted that the legal case between the private owners of the land and the state are still pending. He also made it clear that a meeting has already been held with the illegal settlers and they have been informed that the City Council is not responsible for the failed eviction attempt last week.

“I have been very clear. I spoke with the invasion group and clarified the situation. We have to take care that there is peace and tranquility, yes, but that is carried out by the prosecution and that it does not involve us until they are about to carry out the eviction,” he added.

Caamal also said that he is anticipating a positive resolution to the irregular settlement problem as soon as possible so that in the event an agreement is reached and the people not evicted, the municipality can regularized that section of land.

“I hope that this is resolved as soon as possible, not only for the integrity of each one of those who are there, but also so that the irregular situation that exists is over, so that we, as municipalities, can also invest in those neighborhoods and to be able to provide the services that are needed,” he explained.