Cancun, Q.R. — Early morning traffic was slowed due to a single vehicle accident in south Cancun. Emergency vehicles had a lane shut while they attended to a single vehicle rollover along the federal highway.

The driver of the vehicle was heading south Wednesday when he hit the center median and rolled after taking out a streetlight and city tree. Cancun Transit were sent to the scene to deal with the crumpled truck. Firemen were brought in once police learned the truck was transporting caustic soda.
The accident happened around 9:30 a.m. near the Cancun International Airport. Early traffic reports say the driver swerved and clipped the central median at a high rate of speed that caused him to crash into a streetlight and tree.

The result was an overturned truck that was left behind by the driver who was taken to hospital in a private vehicle.

A lane of traffic was closed by National Guard for nearly two hours while emergency services dealt with the situation. Officer Osmar Jiménez Bautista and Officer Nelson Milton manned the scene that involved a large clean up of chemicals, knocked over infrastuructre and the eventual towing of the truck.