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Taxi driver fails to see existing accident, creates another

Playa del Carmen, Q.R. — A Playa del Carmen taxi driver who failed to see an accident in time became a victim himself after crashing into a parked police unit.

The incident happened at the junction of CTM when the taxi driver, who was reportedly speeding, crashed into a police unit that was attending to an accident that had already occurred. Due to speed, the impact against the police vehicle caused his taxi to overturn.

The accident scene was recorded just after 1:00 a.m. when the taxi driver failed to realize that there was a traffic jam due to an existing minor collision between two other cars.

In order not to crash into those vehicles, the taxi driver swerved but instead of clearing the cars, he ended up hitting a patrol and overturning. The driver of the taxi is said to have fled the scene.

The damaged vehicle was taken to the corralón.