Riviera Maya, Q.R. — Photos have begun to emerge of a squall that hit the Yucatan Peninsula Sunday. The strong windy system made its way across the Yucatan affecting numerous communities along the way.
Residents of the communities of Manuel Altamirano and Santa Isabel suffered property damage after the system whipped through their towns ripping off unstable rooftops and downing trees.
The system arrived in some areas with only winds, while other areas reported strong rain and hail.
Other areas hit were San Felipe Río Lagartos, Progreso, Telchac, Las Coloradas and Holbox. Signs, trees and some structures, including utility poles, were knocked down as the storm passed. While it didn’t last long, it had many running for cover.
Local meteorologists had forecast heavy rain with the possibility of hail in some areas and strong winds for the Yucatan Peninsula, but not until Monday. The system, which arrived a little earlier than forecast, brought with it wind gusts as high as 70 kms/h in some parts along the coast.
The region has experienced at least two near back-to-back cold fronts that have seen temperatures drop and winds increase.