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Suitcase of drugs from Brussels discovered bound for Cancun

Cancun, Q.R. — Federal police have intercepted a suitcase they report was loaded with drugs from Brussels, bound for Cancun.

The interception occurred with the help of the on-site narcotics dog at the Cancun International Airport. Policía Federal report finding the suitcase of drugs after the dog took interest. Inside, police say they located more than three kilos of ketamine and methamphetamine that had arrived from Brussels, Belgium.

The Office of the Attorney General of the Republic reported that as a result of the inspection carried out by personnel assigned to the Canine Unit of the Federal Police, they detected a suitcase from Brussels, Belgium with connection in Cuba and final destination for the city of Cancun.

Only days before, a barrel labeled as tequila was sniffed out by a narcotics dog in the Mérida International Airport. Inside the barrel, federal police found it filled with packages of marijuana.