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Sting operation gets Cancun career extortionist jailed

Cancun, Q.R. — A 27-year-old male was taken into police custody Tuesday after becoming the objective of a sting operation. Police in Cancun arrested Luis N for extortion after he was reported by his victim.

The unidentified victim told police he had been sent a message by the man who knew the location of his family. From that, the man demanded 2,000 peso in cash.

Luis N was arrested for extortion in Cancun
He was found in possession of cell phones, stolen i.d. and bank cards

Cancun police were nearby in SM 69 when the cash drop was made. The victim, who agreed to make the payment, met the man to deliver the money as agreed. Once there, the alleged extortionist was arrested.

During his arrest, police found Luis N, originally from Argentina, in possession of three cell phones, seven identification cards belonging to people other than himself and 19 bank cards along with the 2,000 peso in cash he extorted from his victim.