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State security committee proposing transport vehicles link to Cancun C5

Cancun, Q.R. — The Citizen Security and Justice of Quintana Roo is proposing public city transport vehicles link cameras with the C5. It has been proposed that Cancun transportation companies, whether tourist or urban, link their security cameras to the C5 for better security.

The proposal is for all Cancun public transport vehicles to link security cameras directly with the C5 Centre.

It is a proposal that is expected to be slowly rolled out to the other municipalities for gradual integration.

James Tobin, the State Coordinator of Citizen Security and Justice said it is an approach that is already being discussed with transport companies. He explained that just as hotels and restaurants have been connecting with the C5, transport companies are now being considered.

The head of the state’s security committee says that level of involvement would be very positive for the state’s tourist destinations since it would greatly reinforce the issue of security throughout the region.