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State Police arrive with riot gear to evict PDC squatters

Playa del Carmen, Q.R. — State Police with riot gear were at the scene of a Playa del Carmen land eviction Friday. Dozens of families accused of squatting were driven from the property by force.

More than 50 families, allegedly victims of fraud, were evicted Friday afternoon from land located in the Nicte-Ha neighborhood, which is owned by the state.

State Police arrived around noon to begin the eviction operation at the end of 20 de Noviembre Avenue of the city. According to reports, some of those living on the land had made payments to a supposed owner to purchase a lot, however, the land is state owned.

State Police officers are seen with riot gear in the PDC eviction of squatters. October 11, 2024.

The families living on the land are reported to have vacated without any altercations. The land they were living on, and in some cases trying to buy, is owned by the state of Quintana Roo and reserved for city industrial use for Playa del Carmen.