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State investigates after government employees found signed up for welfare project for women in need

Riviera Maya, Q.R. — A newly created state run program that helps women in need is under investigation after allegations of abuse. The program Mujeres de Vida helps women in need by providing a modest financial supplement and a box of basic groceries on a regular basis.

Women in the program need to qualify and prove their need for financial assistance before receiving any money or food items.

Earlier this week, several women, some of whom are state government employees, were found benefiting from the welfare program. On Thursday, Governor Mara Lezama said that the allegations of government employees signing up for the program and being accepted was being looked into.

In a social media post, the Gobierno Quintana Roo said “We inform that, through the Controller of Quintana Roo, by instruction of the State Governor, an investigation has been initiated into the registry of public servants who are not subject to social programs that are intended for the most vulnerable population in the state.

“This government is entrusted with taking care of the people’s resources so that they are allocated to those who have less. Work is being done on the investigation and if any other cases are found, the same procedure will be followed and the progress of this audit will be reported.”

The program was started five months ago. It provides varying amounts of money (a few thousand peso) on a rechargeable credit card. The card is in the name of the qualifying person in need of financial assistance. A small box of basic groceries is also provided to them once a month.

On Thursday, Governor Lezama said “We are not going to tolerate any act of corruption and the corresponding actions will be applied if it is verified that the person in charge of the program is receiving support from the Mujer es Vida program.”

On Friday, Lezama posted that several people had been dismissed from their positions and removed from the social welfare program.