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Rideshare company Uber legally authorized to offer services in Cancun

Cancun, Q.R. — The rideshare company Uber has been given a green light to operate in Cancun after years of legal battles. On Wednesday, the Third Collegiate Court of the Judiciary of the Federation determined that since the company is a public service and not private, it can operate without the need for a concession.

During the Wednesday hearing, hundreds of taxi drivers across the state readied to react to the official outcome of the legal battle that has been ongoing since 2016.

Quintana Roo taxi drivers have continually referred to Uber as unfair competition and demanded that they require a concession to be able to operate, the same concession taxi drivers have to obtain to be able to operate.

However on Wednesday, a Cancun judge ruled in favor of Uber being able to legally operate across the state. With Cancun, the rideshare service is now available in 66 cities across Mexico.