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Quintana Roo among four states with highest economic growth

Mexico City, Mexico — According to a recent government report, the state of Quintana Roo is among the four states with the highest economic growth rate in the country over the last five years.

According to a report by la Asociación de Gobernadores de Acción Nacional (GOAN), the states that have experienced high rates of economic growth over the previous five years include Baja California Sur, Aguascalientes, Querétaro and Quintana Roo.

Their figures show each of these states has produced growth of 4.5 percent or more with Baja California Sur leading the way with an economic growth rate of 8.4 percent followed by Aguascalientes at 5.8, Quintana Roo at 4.9 percent and Querétaro also with 4.9 percent.

Other states that showed positive growth were Guanajuato with 4.1 percent, Sinaloa 3.9, Jalisco 3.9, Baja California 3.9 and Yucatan with 3.8 percent.

La Asociación de Gobernadores de Acción Nacional says the average growth of the nine states has been 4.2 percent in the last five years. They say the figures mean growth, jobs, better wages and prosperity for those states.

In contrast, the states with the least growth in the last five years include Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco and Campeche, whose percentages range from 0.8 percent to -5.8 percent.

The data taken into account for the figures included economic growth, formal employment generated, productivity, informality, public debt, inequality and government employment based on data from del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI).

The report was conducted by researchers from México ¿cómo vamos?, who belong to institutions including CIDE, COLMEX, Harvard, ITAM, ITESM and UNAM and research centers such as IMCO and México Evalúa, among others.