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Public transportation rate increase for Cancun passengers unlikely anytime soon

Cancun, Q.R. — Cancun authorities have began talks on evaluating a possible public transport fare increase. The Joint Tariff Commission of the municipality of Benito Juárez met last week with public transport companies and the Quintana Roo Mobility Institute (Imoveqroo).

Both sides discussed changes to the city’s regulations and rules related to public transportation as well as a possible rate hike. Pablo Gutiérrez Fernández, the General Secretary of Cancun City hall, said although the proposal for an fare increase was put on the table by the companies, the necessary conditions for that change does not currently exist.

He says there are several factors taken into consideration when an increase in public transportation is considered, and in the case of Cancun, those factors are just not there. With that, he said it is unlikely public transportation users will see a rate increase anytime soon.

Public transportation rate increase for Cancun passengers unlikely anytime soon

He said the Commission is working with the city’s transportation companies on reorganization to reduce travel times and offer a more efficient service. Once that is accomplished, then a rate increase could be looked into. He said the improved passenger service was a condition set by Mayor Ana Paty Peralta de la Peña before an increase would be discussed.