Playa del Carmen, Q.R. — A team of police were videoed in the San Judas Tadeo irregular area of Playa del Carmen Wednesday during an operation. Police were in search of a group of men reported armed with long weapons.

Personnel from the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) were lead to the area around 2:00 p.m. after one of the men they were searching for hid in a home. As police arrived on the street and made their way toward the building, the man opened fire against officers from inside the house. Police fired back.
Two of the other men on the police seach-for list made a run for it on foot. They made it to the neighboring community of In House where they were captured.

At the end of the operation, Municipal Police arrested all three men they were searching for. There were no injuries reported during the hour-long operation. The three men are allegedly connected to local drug trafficking.