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New Urban Development Program approved for Tulum

Tulum, Q.R. — The President of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo says the Urban Development Program (PDU) of Tulum has been approved which will ensure orderly growth.

Sheinbaum says the Programa de Desarrollo Urbano (PDU) was approved on September 19 so that the municipality can grow in an orderly manner. She made the announcement in her second “Mañanera del pueblo” (People’s Morning Press Conference) reporting that the PDU, which was supported by the Secretariat of Urban Development (Sedatu), will also help solve public service problems.

“Recently, the Tulum Territorial Planning Program was approved so that it does not grow uncontrollably. The newly approved PDU will also address land regularization and organization, so that it does not represent disorderly growth.”

She used Playa del Carmen as an example of disorganized growth that left the municipality to resolve hundreds of issues regarding a lack of public services in lived-on land.

Sheinbaum referred to the projects that revolve around the Maya Train, saying the will reactivate tourism throughout southern Mexico with order in its territorial growth. The President also said that the application of this growth program will have the monitoring and support of Edna Elena Vega Rangel, head of Sedatu.

Her statements were made in the midst of a wave of criticism from various social sectors in Tulum. Real estate and investment entrepreneurs have warned that this program will be detrimental to the economic development of the municipality due to the restrictive measures it imposes, such as the reduction of the density permitted for construction in various areas of the municipality.

Details regarding the approved PDU for Tulum have yet to be provided.