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Navy seizes banned marine species in Isla Mujeres waters

Isla Mujeres, Q.R. — Federal authorities have arrested one person for free dive fishing illegal marine life. On Tuesday, the Secretary of the Navy located a vessel and illegal captured marine life in Isla Mujeres waters.

Naval personnel belonging to the Ninth Naval Region secured the illegl catch, which consisted of coral and conche.

“This action was carried out within the framework of the Comprehensive Strategy Against Illegal Fishing in the State of Quintana Roo, when naval personnel during maritime surveillance tours in the vicinity of Isla Mujeres sighted a person carrying out diving activities.

“When carrying out a search, 13 live specimens of queen conch and four pieces of coral were found without having the corresponding fishing permits,” the agency said.

Conche is currently in closed season, which runs from May to the end of October along the coast of Quintana Roo.

The person was detained and transferred to the Naval Station of Puerto Juárez, in order to be placed at the disposal of the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic based in Cancun since poaching of conche is a federal crime.