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National Guard increases security in troubled Cancun areas

Cancun, Q.R. — Security strategies in troubled areas of Cancun have been increased with the arrival of the National Guard.

According to Eduardo Santamaría Chávez, the Municipal Secretariat of Public Safety and Traffic, these increased strategies have been in areas where violence has rebounded and involves 36 members divided into three cells.

Members of la Guardia Nacional and Mando Único de Quintana Roo have increased their presence in these areas to reduce the rates of violence. Santamaría Chávez says the operations are done every day.

“We have three active cells of 12 elements permanently patrolling 24 hours at different points, patrolling, adding random filters and revisions in the colonies that require it,” he said adding that several areas of Cancun including Corals and SM 259, have seen a rebound in violence.

Santamaría Chávez acknowledged that these areas have seen an increase in voilence which is why they have increased patrols, adding that they have “land patrols with motorcycles and ATVs.”