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Municipal José María Morelos transportation inspector fired after physical assault

José María Morelos, Q.R. — A municipal Transport Inspector has been relieved from his duties after being accused of physically assaulting a driver. On Thursday, José Luis Flota Hernández, Director of Municipal Transportation, confirmed the dismissal.

He explained that the now-former inspector, Luic “C”, was let go after he was accused of physically assaulting a mototaxi driver.

On Tuesday morning, the José María Morelos inspector, Luis “C”, was involved in an argument with a mototaxi driver. That evening, the driver, Edgar “B”, went to the home of the inspector where the argument resumed and the driver left with a bloodied lip.

Edgar “B” made a complaint against Luis “C” which lead to his dismissal.

Flota Hernández explained that hours beforehand, driver Edgar “B” had contact him claiming workplace harassment and was scheduled an in-person appointment for 10:00 a.m. the following day.

“I told him, ‘tomorrow at 10 in the morning I will see you at the Transportation Directorate to clarify’,” Flota Hernández said.

However, instead of waiting to meet in person with the Director, the driver went to the home of the inspector.

“The inspector came out, they started arguing. I understand that there is a lack of respect there in this inspector’s home, and he impulsively hits him, slaps him and splits his lip,” he said.

Flota Hernández said he does not justify the aggression suffered by the motorcycle taxi driver, but it was a consequence of the acts he carried out.

“He went to look for the inspector, to provoke him and it is a consequence of his actions. It is not the way to do things. He had already reached an agreement with me to deal with his matter and he should have waited,” he added.

He said that since it was a physical attack, regardless of how the events occurred, the municipal agency decided to fire the inspector.