Cozumel, Q.R. — Approximately 450 different specimens were rescued in Cozumel through the Ecology Subdirectorate after the passage of Hurricane Zeta. The deputy director of ecology, Fernando Pola Rodríguez, explained that of the total number of specimens rescued, just over 400 were reptiles, including sea turtles, gray iguanas and crocodiles, among others.
He added that 45 of those rescued were varying species of birds, such as royal tern, honey warbler, blue-winged teal duck, green heron and one bat.
Pola Rodríguez explained that these types of animal rescues are done in coordination with the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa), the Institute of Biodiversity and Protected Natural Areas of Quintana Roo (Ibanqroo), the Directorate of Civil Protection and firefighters. He noted that all these agencies are also supported by integrated veterinary services.
He says anyone finding an animal in distress or witnessing a situation that compromises the welfare of the local fauna can report it through 911, to the number 987 8725795, or at the offices of the Subdirectorate of Ecology located at 65 Avenida con 31 Sur from the Maravilla neighborhood.